The parking lot is an essential part of your commercial property. Ensuring it is in good repair is important if you want it to last longer and keep visitors and staff safe. Resurfacing is one way to make it look and feel like it did when it was first built while also protecting people from unsafe conditions.
Reasons to Resurface Your Parking Lot
A parking lot has to be strong enough to handle the wear and tear that it is exposed to on a daily basis. Exposure to sun and rain causes the surface to weaken, crack, or crumble. Ultimately, potholes can form, making your parking lot unsafe for drivers.
What a parking lot looks like is also vital. An old, faded structure sends out the wrong message to your customers, while a fresh asphalt layer with better colors portrays pride in your company. Through maintenance work such as resurfacing, you can extend the life of your parking lot and ensure safety for visitors. With a new layer of asphalt or concrete, you’ll have fewer cracks to worry about and a professional look that will last longer.
When Should You Resurface?
Regularly inspect your parking lot for any signs of wear and tear. One way to rule out the need for resurfacing is to look at the condition of the pavement on a sunny day. If you observe hairline cracks, you may still be able to put off a resurfacing job, as they can simply be filled in. If there are potholes or some of the cracks aren’t that deep enough, they might not change the way the surface is built.
Faded stripping can point toward damage to the paving material, which can be later revealed during similar repairs. Seal-coating lines that were originally painted clearly but have become drastically faded over time suggest there’s something more serious going on underneath.
It takes careful inspection and professional advice from paving contractors to decide if patching up the gaps or a total resurfacing will solve your problem. Potholes develop when large chunks of soil crumble away due to the aging of the road material, vibrations due to heavy traffic, and more.
Resurfacing Options
When it comes to resurfacing your parking lot, the first step is deciding what material will be used. Common options include asphalt and concrete, while interlocking pavers are a more decorative option and provide more durability compared to other possible surfaces.
Asphalt resurfacing is done when full reconstruction of the existing pavement isn’t necessarily needed, as patchwork can sometimes successfully cover light damage. For cases where heavier wear and tear has occurred or deeper cracks need filing and sealing, then repavement using either concrete or asphalt is the better approach toward restoration.
Turn to a Reliable Paving Contractor in Naples, FL
Restoring the life of your parking lot will require a surface that is both durable and aesthetically pleasing. Resurfacing your commercial property’s parking lot with asphalt, concrete, or interlocking pavers is an effective way to restore its condition while avoiding more costly reconstruction options. Let Bonness handle the job for you. Our team can provide expert advice about resurfacing options. Don’t hesitate to call us today at (239) 597-6221, or fill out our contact form to request a quote.