Parking stops are safety features that should not be left out when designing a parking lot. Here’s an overview of the importance of parking stops in parking lot design.
What Are Parking Stops?
Parking stops, also known as parking blocks, curb stops or wheel stops, are long raised blocks located near the outer perimeter of parking slots. They provide visual guidance and resistance to drivers for safe parking. Parking stops offer the following benefits:
Protection against property damage: Parking stops create a jolt when hit, which would alert drivers when they’ve reached the edge of a parking space. This prevents them from hitting another car parked in the opposite space. If a handbrake becomes accidentally disengaged (or if the driver forgot to put the vehicle in park), a parking stop can help stop a car from crashing into areas outside their slots, such as a storefront that’s level with the parking lot.
Efficient parking: Parking stops are measured approximately as long as an average vehicle. It creates a visual guide for drivers as they park, allowing proper alignment with their slot, especially in parking lots where painted lines are not present.
The Different Types of Parking Stops
There are different types of parking stops, each with their own set of features. Knowing each type can be helpful when determining the cost of concrete driveway or parking lot.
Concrete: Concrete is the most popular type of parking stop: it’s durable and affordable, and can even be made from scratch if premade ones aren’t available. Concrete parking stops can last for decades if properly maintained. However, its inherent rigidity makes it unsuitable for use on uneven ground.
Plastic: Plastic parking stops are made from recycled material. It’s lighter than other types of parking stops and has a long lifespan. They’re also less likely to cause scratches to a car’s fascia. While plastic parking stops are relatively flexible, they’re not suitable for use on gravel or similarly uneven surfaces.
Rubber: Rubber parking stops are also made from recycled material. It’s the most flexible option, making it ideal for use on any type of ground. They hold up well against harsh weather conditions and won’t get damaged by vehicles running over them.
If you would like to know more about parking lot design or how much would an asphalt driveway would cost, call Bonness at (239) 597-6221. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.