As asphalt pavement ages, it becomes more vulnerable to problems, such as alligator cracking. The cracks can develop in different parts of the surface and look like the back of the reptile. You must address this problem as soon as you notice it because it can lead to expansion and further deterioration.
Read on to find out what causes alligator cracking, what to do about the issue and how to prevent it.
What Causes Alligator Cracks?
The most common reason alligator cracking occurs is because of issues with the layers beneath the pavement’s surface. It tends to develop due to excessive loads placed on the pavement. If it can’t support the weight of what lies on it, it will likely develop cracks.
Alligator cracking happens when the contractor fails to prepare the sub-base properly before laying the asphalt. It can also occur if the pavement isn’t thick enough or when heavy vehicles run over the surface before it fully cures. Other causes of this problem are poor maintenance and poor installation.
What Can You Do About It?
Contact professionals as soon as you notice cracks on your asphalt pavement. They will apply seal coating or crack filler to avoid further damage. As much as possible, keep vehicles from the affected areas. The best way to keep this problem from occurring is to strengthen the asphalt’s base.
Professionals will determine what’s causing the cracks and propose options depending on your needs and budget. They can suggest removing the damaged portions and replacing them with a better sub-base and new asphalt surface. Sometimes, it’s more cost-effective to replace the entire asphalt surface. It allows your contractor to install the sub-base properly and prevent cracks from developing again.
Don’t wait too long before addressing issues with your asphalt pavement. At Bonness, our experts can assess the damage and determine whether repair or replacement is your best option. We have been providing superior commercial paving services for nearly four decades. Call us at (239) 597-6221, or fill out our contact form to request a quote.